Watson Elite
- Year
- Sector
- Real Estate
- Services
- Digital
Watson Elite is a real estate development and investment company located in Sydney, Australia. It focuses on investing in high-end luxurious residences. As a brand name, Watson Elite represents the society elites who started their businesses in the 20th century, paying attention to the details. The core purpose of the project is to present a low-key and superior brand image.
Black is widely used as the website theme, creating a visual conception and depth. Elites’ quality is reflected through the portrait of the details. The interactive elements are applied on the page design, such as the moving texts, images, slides and loading icons in order to convey a humanised style. The interactive design not only optimises the visual effect, but also enhances the user experience, creating the real interaction between Watson Elite and customers, and taking the engagement and dynamics to a new level.